On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 6:54 PM, Etsuro Fujita <fujita.ets...@lab.ntt.co.jp>

> I ran into a type " a a " in a comment in snapmgr.c, and found that
> there are four other places that've made the same typo, by the grep
> command.  And in one of those places, I found yet another typo.  Please
> find attached a patch.
Just while on this topic, I had a quick look at the results from the regex
\b(\w+)\s+\1\b which finds duplicate words. After sifting through the false
positives I found a few more. Patch attached.


David Rowley
diff --git a/src/backend/replication/walsender.c 
index 384c9b6..385d18b 100644
--- a/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
+++ b/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ StartReplication(StartReplicationCmd *cmd)
                         * to find the requested WAL segment in pg_xlog.
                         * XXX: we could be more strict here and only allow a 
-                        * that's older than the switchpoint, if it it's still 
in the same
+                        * that's older than the switchpoint, if it's still in 
the same
                         * WAL segment.
                        if (!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(switchpoint) &&
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c 
index 89b22f2..c6c90fb 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ ReadEndOfStreamingResult(PGresult *res, XLogRecPtr 
*startpos, uint32 *timeline)
  * initiating streaming with the START_STREAMING command.
  * If the COPY ends (not necessarily successfully) due a message from the
- * server, returns a PGresult and sets sets *stoppos to the last byte written.
+ * server, returns a PGresult and sets *stoppos to the last byte written.
  * On any other sort of error, returns NULL.
 static PGresult *
diff --git a/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/timestamp.c 
index b0f9bf1..cf1fed2 100644
--- a/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/timestamp.c
+++ b/src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/timestamp.c
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ dttofmtasc_replace(timestamp * ts, date dDate, int dow, 
struct tm * tm,
                                        replace_val.str_val = 
                                        replace_type = 
-                                       /* the full name name of the month */
+                                       /* the full name of the month */
                                        /* XXX should be locale aware */
                                case 'B':
                                        replace_val.str_val = 
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