Here is the comments in process_matched_tle() in rewriteHandler.c.

883      * such nodes; consider
884      *      UPDATE tab SET col.fld1.subfld1 = x, col.fld2.subfld2 = y
885      * The two expressions produced by the parser will look like
886      *      FieldStore(col, fld1, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld1, x))
887      *      FieldStore(col, fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, x))

I think the second one is not correct and should be

                FieldStore(col, fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, y))

Just like this,

891      *      FieldStore(FieldStore(col, fld1,
892      *                            FieldStore(placeholder, subfld1, x)),
893      *                 fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, x))

should be

                FieldStore(FieldStore(col, fld1,
                                      FieldStore(placeholder, subfld1, x)),
                           fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, y))

Patch attached.


Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita
diff --git a/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHandler.c b/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHandler.c
index cb65c05..93fda07 100644
--- a/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHandler.c
+++ b/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHandler.c
@@ -883,13 +883,13 @@ process_matched_tle(TargetEntry *src_tle,
 	 *		UPDATE tab SET col.fld1.subfld1 = x, col.fld2.subfld2 = y
 	 * The two expressions produced by the parser will look like
 	 *		FieldStore(col, fld1, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld1, x))
-	 *		FieldStore(col, fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, x))
+	 *		FieldStore(col, fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, y))
 	 * However, we can ignore the substructure and just consider the top
 	 * FieldStore or ArrayRef from each assignment, because it works to
 	 * combine these as
 	 *		FieldStore(FieldStore(col, fld1,
 	 *							  FieldStore(placeholder, subfld1, x)),
-	 *				   fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, x))
+	 *				   fld2, FieldStore(placeholder, subfld2, y))
 	 * Note the leftmost expression goes on the inside so that the
 	 * assignments appear to occur left-to-right.
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