On 8/24/14, 6:22 AM, Haribabu Kommi wrote:
Yes, we are mainly targeting CPU-limited sequential scans, Because of
this reason
only I want the worker to handle the predicates also not just reading
the tuples from

In that case, I would suggest focusing on parallel execution of conditions 
regardless of where they show up in the query plan. In my experience, they 
often have nothing to do with a seqscan.

Here's a real-world example. We have a view that pivots our applications 
accounting journal into a ledger. The expensive part of the view is this:

            WHEN b.tag::text = 'installment_principal'::text THEN b.type_cd -- 
type_cd is either 1, 0, or -1
            ELSE 0::numeric
    ) * transaction_amount AS installment_principal

The view with this pivot has about 100 of these case statements. Frequently we 
only reference a few of them, but anytime we need to refer to 20+ the 
evaluation of that expression gets VERY cpu-expensive compared to the rest of 
the query.

The other thing I would look at before seqscan filters is join processing and 
bitmap index index combining (ie: ANDing together the results of several bitmap 
index scans). Those are things that can be very CPU intensive even when doing 
simple equality comparisons.

BTW, it's also possible that these cases would be good fits for GPU parallel 
Jim C. Nasby, Data Architect                       j...@nasby.net
512.569.9461 (cell)                         http://jim.nasby.net

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