On Jul 22, 2014, at 12:40 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> "Jonathan S. Katz" <jonathan.k...@excoventures.com> writes:
>> On Jul 21, 2014, at 9:51 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>>> The short reason why not is that it's not an operator (where "operator"
>>> is defined as "something with a pg_operator entry"), and all our indexing
>>> infrastructure is built around the notion that indexable clauses are of
>>> the form "indexed_column indexable_operator comparison_value".
>> What got me thinking this initially problem is that I know "IS NULL" is 
>> indexable and I was unsure of how adding "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM" would be too 
>> different from that - of course, this is from my perspective from primarily 
>> operating on the surface.  It sounds like the IS NULL work is in the btree 
>> code?
> We hacked in IS [NOT] NULL as a potentially indexable construct, but the
> key thing that made that possible without major redesign is that IS [NOT]
> NULL is datatype independent, so there's no need to identify any
> particular underlying operator or opclass.  I'm not sure what we'd do to
> handle IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM, but that particular approach ain't gonna
> cut it.
> Another point is that people are unlikely to be satisfied with planner
> optimization for IS NOT DISTINCT FROM that doesn't support it as a join
> clause (i.e., tab1.col1 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM tab2.col2); which is an issue
> that doesn't arise for IS [NOT] NULL, as it has only one argument.  So
> that brings you into not just indexability but hashing and merging
> support.  I hasten to say that that doesn't necessarily have to happen
> in a version-zero patch; but trying to make IS NOT DISTINCT FROM into
> a first-class construct is a big project.

Well that definitely answers "how hard would it be." - before embarking on 
something laborious (as even just indexing is nontrivial), I think it would be 
good to figure out how people are using IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM and if there is 
interest in having it be indexable, let alone used in a JOIN optimization.  It 
could become a handy tool to simplify the SQL in queries that are returning a 
lot of NULL / NOT NULL data mixed together.


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