(2014/06/14 2:46), Tom Lane wrote:
> Jason Petersen <ja...@citusdata.com> writes:

>> Even if there is no guarantee that `IterateForeignScan` is called exactly 
>> once
>> before each `ExecForeignDelete` call (which would remove the ability to have
>> them cooperate using this single cursor), one could easily devise other 
>> storage
>> backends that don't need "junk" columns to perform `DELETE` operations.
> Such as?  I could imagine having an optimization that works like you
> suggest for simple scan cases, but it's not there now, and it could not
> be the only mode.

The optimization in the following comment for postgresPlanForeignModify?

 * postgresPlanForeignModify
 *      Plan an insert/update/delete operation on a foreign table
 * Note: currently, the plan tree generated for UPDATE/DELETE will always
 * include a ForeignScan that retrieves ctids (using SELECT FOR UPDATE)
 * and then the ModifyTable node will have to execute individual remote
 * UPDATE/DELETE commands.  If there are no local conditions or joins
 * needed, it'd be better to let the scan node do UPDATE/DELETE RETURNING
 * and then do nothing at ModifyTable.  Room for future optimization ...

I think this would be very useful.  So, I plan to add a patch for it to


Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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