This code work for me :
        Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,passwd);
        PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("begin;declare c1 cursor for 
select * from a");
        st = db.prepareStatement("fetch 100 in c1");
        ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
        while ( ) {
                s = rs.getString(1);
        st = db.prepareStatement("commit");

Haris Peco
On Wednesday 16 October 2002 01:55 pm, Dave Tenny wrote:
> > > > > To work
> > > > > around this you can use explicit cursors (see the DECLARE CURSOR,
> > > > > FETCH, and MOVE sql commands for postgres).
> I'm unable to get this to work using the default distribution JDBC driver.
> (7.2). Here's a code snippet
>       conn.setAutoCommit(false) ;
>       stmt.execute("BEGIN") ;
>       stmt.execute("DECLARE mysursor CURSOR FOR SELECT icol FROM mtable") ;
>       ResultSet rs = null ;
>       if (stmt.execute("FETCH 10000 IN mycursor"))
>       rs = stmt.getResultSet() ;
> The FETCH statement returns an update count of 1, but no ResultSet.
> If I try executeQuery, a "no rows found" exception is thrown.
> Equivalent code in the C library interface works just fine.
> I need a workaround, because default ResultSet processing in the JDBC
> driver (and also the jxDBCon driver) pretty much blow out the memory
> of the JVM.
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