On 4/21/14 9:38 AM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 04/21/2014 12:25 PM, Alfred Perlstein wrote:

1. OS developers are not the target audience for GUCs. If the OS developers want to test and can't be botherrd with building with a couple of different parameters then I'm not very impressed.

2. We should be trying to get rid of GUCs where possible, and only add them when we must. The more there are the more we confuse users. If a packager can pick a default surely they can pick build options too.
Thank you for the lecture Andrew! Really pleasant way to treat a user and a fan of the system. :)

I confess to being mightily confused.

Sure, to clarify:

Andrew, you just told someone who in a db stack sits both below (as a pgsql user 15 years) and above (as a FreeBSD kernel dev 15 years) your software what they "really need".


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