On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In 9.4dev, if the server is started with effective_cache_size = -1, then it
> cannot be changed away from that without a restart.  If you change the
> config file and do a reload or pg_reload_conf(), it ignores the change
> without comment in the logs.
> If you start the server with a value other than -1, then you can change the
> value by editing the file and doing a reload.  You can even change it to -1,
> and then change it back away from -1 again.

I think that's a bug. Patch attached.

> I don't know if bugs reports (without patches) against pre-release versions
> are supposed to go to hackers or to bugs.

Either works at least for me.


Fujii Masao
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c
*** 4145,4151 **** set_default_effective_cache_size(void)
  		effective_cache_size = 0;
  		/* and let check_effective_cache_size() compute the setting */
  		SetConfigOption("effective_cache_size", "-1",
  	Assert(effective_cache_size > 0);
--- 4145,4151 ----
  		effective_cache_size = 0;
  		/* and let check_effective_cache_size() compute the setting */
  		SetConfigOption("effective_cache_size", "-1",
  	Assert(effective_cache_size > 0);
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