
> Mohsen SM <mohsensoodk...@gmail.com> writes:
>  I want to create new type that is similar to varchar.
> its size is variable.
> I use CREATE TYPE query.
> I define for that type this functions:
> 1-typein
> 2-typeoute
> 3-typemodify_input
> 4-typemodify_output
> 5-type_transform
> I can define 1 to 4 functions in CREATE TYPE
> but I can't define type_transform for that type. how did I can define
> type_transform for that type?

"type cast" came in my mind seeing "type transoform" among
them. You could do that by using 'CREATE CAST' if this is right.


At Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:11:46 -0500, Tom Lane wrote
> There's no such thing as a "type transform".  There are transforms
> associated with functions ... unfortunately, there's not currently
> any provision for defining those at the SQL level.  You could poke
> an entry into pg_proc.protransform if you're desperate enough.

Just for curiosity but could I have some examples for transforms
associated with functions? I saw a lot of "transform"s for
clauses, exprs, plan nodes, etc, but I had nothing so grepping
src/backend/* for 'transform'.


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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