On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Alexander Korotkov <aekorot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Heikki Linnakangas <
> hlinnakan...@vmware.com> wrote:
>> On 02/09/2014 12:11 PM, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
>>> I've rebased catalog changes with last master. Patch is attached. I've
>>> rerun my test suite with both last master ('committed') and attached
>>> patch ('ternary-consistent').
>> Thanks!
>>            method         |       sum
>>> ------------------------+------------------
>>>   committed              | 143491.715000001
>>>   fast-scan-11           | 126916.111999999
>>>   fast-scan-light        |       137321.211
>>>   fast-scan-light-heikki | 138168.028000001
>>>   master                 |       446976.288
>>>   ternary-consistent     |       125923.514
>>> I explain regression in last master by change of MAX_MAYBE_ENTRIES from 8
>>> to 4.
>> Yeah, probably. I set MAX_MAYBE_ENTRIES to 8 in initial versions to make
>> sure we get similar behavior in Tomas' tests that used 6 search terms. But
>> I always felt that it was too large for real queries, once we have the
>> catalog changes, that's why I lowered to 4 when committing. If an opclass
>> benefits greatly from fast scan, it should provide the ternary consistent
>> function, and not rely on the shim implementation.
>>  I'm not sure about decision to reserve separate procedure number for
>>> ternary consistent. Probably, it would be better to add ginConfig method.
>>> It would be useful for post 9.4 improvements.
>> Hmm, it might be useful for an opclass to provide both, a boolean and
>> ternary consistent function, if the boolean version is significantly more
>> efficient when all the arguments are TRUE/FALSE. OTOH, you could also do a
>> quick check through the array to see if there are any MAYBE arguments,
>> within the consistent function. But I'm inclined to keep the possibility to
>> provide both versions. As long as we support the boolean version at all,
>> there's not much difference in terms of the amount of code to support
>> having them both for the same opclass.
>> A ginConfig could be useful for many other things, but I don't think it's
>> worth adding it now.
>> What's the difference between returning GIN_MAYBE and GIN_TRUE+recheck?
>> We discussed that earlier, but didn't reach any conclusion. That needs to
>> be clarified in the docs. One possibility is to document that they're
>> equivalent. Another is to forbid one of them. Yet another is to assign a
>> different meaning to each.
>> I've been thinking that it might be useful to define them so that a MAYBE
>> result from the tri-consistent function means that it cannot decide if you
>> have a match or not, because some of the inputs were MAYBE. And
>> TRUE+recheck means that even if all the MAYBE inputs were passed as TRUE or
>> FALSE, the result would be the same, TRUE+recheck. The practical difference
>> would be that if the tri-consistent function returns TRUE+recheck, ginget.c
>> wouldn't need to bother fetching the other entries, it could just return
>> the entry with recheck=true immediately. While with MAYBE result, it would
>> fetch the other entries and call tri-consistent again. ginget.c doesn't
>> currently use the tri-consistent function that way - it always fetches all
>> the entries for a potential match before calling tri-consistent, but it
>> could. I had it do that in some of the patch versions, but Tomas' testing
>> showed that it was a big loss on some queries, because the consistent
>> function was called much more often. Still, something like that might be
>> sensible in the future, so it might be good to distinguish those cases in
>> the API now. Note that ginarrayproc is already using the return values like
>> that: in GinContainedStrategy, it always returns TRUE+recheck regardless of
>> the inputs, but in other cases it uses GIN_MAYBE.
> Next revision of patch is attached.
> In this version opclass should provide at least one consistent function:
> binary or ternary. It's expected to achieve best performance when opclass
> provide both of them. However, tests shows opposite :( I've to recheck it
> carefully.

However, it's not!
This revision of patch completes my test case in 123330 ms. This is
slightly faster than previous revision.

With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.

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