Hello, The attached file
"unionall_inh_idx_typ3_v6_20140203.patch" is the new version of
this patch fixed the 'whole-row-var' bug.

First of all, on second thought about this,

> > create table parent (a int, b int);
> > create table child () inherits (parent);
> > insert into parent values (1,10);
> > insert into child values (2,20);
> > select a, b from parent union all select a, b from child;
> Mmm. I had the same result. Please let me have a bit more time.

This turned out to be a correct result. The two tables have
following records after the two INSERTs.

| =# select * from only parent;
|  1 | 10
| (1 row)
| =# select * from child;
|  2 | 20
| (1 row)

Then it is natural that the parent-side in the UNION ALL returns
following results.

| =# select * from parent;
|  a | b  
| ---+----
|  1 | 10
|  2 | 20
| (2 rows)

Finally, the result we got has proved not to be a problem.

Second, about the crash in this sql,

> select parent from parent union all select parent from parent;

It is ignored whole-row reference (=0) which makes the index of
child translated-vars list invalid (-1).  I completely ignored it
in spite that myself referred to before.

Unfortunately ConvertRowtypeExpr prevents appendrels from being
removed currently, and such a case don't seem to take place so
often, so I decided to exclude the case. In addition, I found
that only setting "rte->inh = false" causes duplicate scanning on
the same relations through abandoned appendrels so I set
parent/child_relid to InvalidOid so as no more to referred to
from the ex-parent (and ex-children).

The following queries seems to work correctly (but with no
optimization) after these fixes.

create table parent (a int, b int);
create table child () inherits (parent);
insert into parent values (1,10);
insert into child values (2,20);
select parent from parent union all select parent from parent;
(4 rows)
select a, parent from parent union all select a,parent from parent;
 a | parent 
 1 | (1,10)
 2 | (2,20)
 1 | (1,10)
 2 | (2,20)
(4 rows)
select a, b from parent union all select a, b from parent;
 a | b  
 1 | 10
 2 | 20
 1 | 10
 2 | 20
(4 rows)
select a, b from parent union all select a, b from child;
 a | b  
 2 | 20
 1 | 10
 2 | 20
(3 rows)

> > > > > The attached two patches are rebased to current 9.4dev HEAD and
> > > > > make check at the topmost directory and src/test/isolation are
> > > > > passed without error. One bug was found and fixed on the way. It
> > > > > was an assertion failure caused by probably unexpected type
> > > > > conversion introduced by collapse_appendrels() which leads
> > > > > implicit whole-row cast from some valid reltype to invalid
> > > > > reltype (0) into adjust_appendrel_attrs_mutator().
> > > > 
> > > > What query demonstrated this bug in the previous type 2/3 patches?
> > 
> > I would still like to know the answer to the above question.

I rememberd after some struggles. It failed during 'make check',
on the following query in inherit.sql.

| update bar set f2 = f2 + 100
| from
|   ( select f1 from foo union all select f1+3 from foo ) ss
| where bar.f1 = ss.f1;

The following SQLs causes the same type of crash.

create temp table foo(f1 int, f2 int);
create temp table foo2(f3 int) inherits (foo);
create temp table bar(f1 int, f2 int);
update bar set f2 = 1
  ( select f1 from foo union all select f1+3 from foo ) ss
where bar.f1 = ss.f1;

The tipped stone was "wholerow1" for the subquery created in

|   /* Not a table, so we need the whole row as a junk var */
|   var = makeWholeRowVar(rt_fetch(rc->rti, range_table),
|   snprintf(resname, sizeof(resname), "wholerow%u", rc->rowmarkId);

Then the finishing blow was a appendRelInfo corresponding to the
var above, whose parent_reltype = 0 and child_reltype != 0, and
of course introduced by my patch. Since such a situation takes
place even for this patch, the modification is left alone.


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center
diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepunion.c b/src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepunion.c
index 52dcc72..ece9318 100644
--- a/src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepunion.c
+++ b/src/backend/optimizer/prep/prepunion.c
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ typedef struct
 	AppendRelInfo *appinfo;
 } adjust_appendrel_attrs_context;
+typedef struct {
+	AppendRelInfo	*child_appinfo;
+	Index			 target_rti;
+	bool			 failed;
+} transvars_merge_context;
 static Plan *recurse_set_operations(Node *setOp, PlannerInfo *root,
 					   double tuple_fraction,
 					   List *colTypes, List *colCollations,
@@ -98,6 +104,8 @@ static List *generate_append_tlist(List *colTypes, List *colCollations,
 					  List *input_plans,
 					  List *refnames_tlist);
 static List *generate_setop_grouplist(SetOperationStmt *op, List *targetlist);
+static Node *transvars_merge_mutator(Node *node,
+									 transvars_merge_context *ctx);
 static void expand_inherited_rtentry(PlannerInfo *root, RangeTblEntry *rte,
 						 Index rti);
 static void make_inh_translation_list(Relation oldrelation,
@@ -1210,6 +1218,48 @@ expand_inherited_tables(PlannerInfo *root)
+static Node *
+transvars_merge_mutator(Node *node, transvars_merge_context *ctx)
+	if (node == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	/* fast path after failure */
+	if (ctx->failed)
+		return node;
+	if (IsA(node, Var))
+	{
+		Var *oldv = (Var*)node;
+		if (!oldv->varlevelsup && oldv->varno == ctx->target_rti)
+		{
+			if (oldv->varattno == 0)
+			{
+				/*
+				 * Appendrels which does whole-row-var conversion cannot be
+				 * removed. ConvertRowtypeExpr can convert only RELs which can
+				 * be referred to using relid.
+				 */
+				ctx->failed = true;
+				return node;
+			}
+			if (oldv->varattno >
+				list_length(ctx->child_appinfo->translated_vars))
+				elog(ERROR,
+					 "attribute %d of relation \"%s\" does not exist",
+					 oldv->varattno,
+					 get_rel_name(ctx->child_appinfo->parent_reloid));
+			return (Node*)copyObject(
+				list_nth(ctx->child_appinfo->translated_vars,
+						 oldv->varattno - 1));
+		}
+	}
+	return expression_tree_mutator(node,
+								   transvars_merge_mutator, (void*)ctx);
  * expand_inherited_rtentry
  *		Check whether a rangetable entry represents an inheritance set.
@@ -1237,6 +1287,8 @@ expand_inherited_rtentry(PlannerInfo *root, RangeTblEntry *rte, Index rti)
 	List	   *inhOIDs;
 	List	   *appinfos;
 	ListCell   *l;
+	AppendRelInfo *parent_appinfo = NULL;
+	bool		detach_parent = false;
 	/* Does RT entry allow inheritance? */
 	if (!rte->inh)
@@ -1301,6 +1353,22 @@ expand_inherited_rtentry(PlannerInfo *root, RangeTblEntry *rte, Index rti)
 		oldrc->isParent = true;
+	 * If parent relation is appearing in a subselect of UNION ALL, it has
+	 * further parent appendrelinfo. Save it to pull up inheritance children
+	 * later.
+	 */
+	foreach(l, root->append_rel_list)
+	{
+		AppendRelInfo *appinfo = (AppendRelInfo *)lfirst(l);
+		if(appinfo->child_relid == rti)
+		{
+			parent_appinfo = appinfo;
+			detach_parent = true;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
 	 * Must open the parent relation to examine its tupdesc.  We need not lock
 	 * it; we assume the rewriter already did.
@@ -1308,6 +1376,7 @@ expand_inherited_rtentry(PlannerInfo *root, RangeTblEntry *rte, Index rti)
 	/* Scan the inheritance set and expand it */
 	appinfos = NIL;
 	foreach(l, inhOIDs)
 		Oid			childOID = lfirst_oid(l);
@@ -1378,6 +1447,46 @@ expand_inherited_rtentry(PlannerInfo *root, RangeTblEntry *rte, Index rti)
+		 * Pull up this appinfo onto just above of the parent. The parent
+		 * relation has its own parent when it appears as a subquery of UNION
+		 * ALL. Pulling up these children gives a chance to consider
+		 * MergeAppend on whole the UNION ALL tree.
+		 */
+		if (parent_appinfo)
+		{
+			transvars_merge_context ctx;
+			ctx.child_appinfo = appinfo;
+			ctx.target_rti	  = rti;
+			if (parent_appinfo->parent_reltype == 0 &&
+				parent_appinfo->child_reltype == 0)
+			{
+				List *new_transvars;
+				/*
+				 * Connect this appinfo up to the parent RTE of
+				 * parent_appinfo.
+				 */
+				ctx.failed = false;
+				new_transvars = (List*)expression_tree_mutator(
+					(Node*)parent_appinfo->translated_vars,
+					transvars_merge_mutator, &ctx);
+				if (ctx.failed)
+					/* Some children remain so this parent cannot detach */
+					detach_parent = false;
+				else
+				{
+					appinfo->parent_relid = parent_appinfo->parent_relid;
+					appinfo->parent_reltype = parent_appinfo->parent_reltype;
+					appinfo->translated_vars = new_transvars;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/*
 		 * Build a PlanRowMark if parent is marked FOR UPDATE/SHARE.
 		if (oldrc)
@@ -1399,6 +1508,14 @@ expand_inherited_rtentry(PlannerInfo *root, RangeTblEntry *rte, Index rti)
 			heap_close(newrelation, NoLock);
+	/* Remove childless appinfo from inheritance tree */
+	if (detach_parent)
+	{
+		rte->inh = false;
+		parent_appinfo->parent_relid = InvalidOid;
+		parent_appinfo->child_relid = InvalidOid;
+	}
 	heap_close(oldrelation, NoLock);
@@ -1662,7 +1779,8 @@ adjust_appendrel_attrs_mutator(Node *node,
 				 * step to convert the tuple layout to the parent's rowtype.
 				 * Otherwise we have to generate a RowExpr.
-				if (OidIsValid(appinfo->child_reltype))
+				if (OidIsValid(appinfo->child_reltype) &&
+					OidIsValid(appinfo->parent_reltype))
 					Assert(var->vartype == appinfo->parent_reltype);
 					if (appinfo->parent_reltype != appinfo->child_reltype)
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/union.out b/src/test/regress/expected/union.out
index 6f9ee5e..d254ff3 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/union.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/union.out
@@ -502,9 +502,40 @@ explain (costs off)
                Index Cond: (ab = 'ab'::text)
 (7 rows)
+-- Test that ORDER BY for UNION ALL can be pushed down on inheritance
+-- tables.
+CREATE TEMP TABLE t1c (like t1 including indexes) inherits (t1);	  
+NOTICE:  merging column "a" with inherited definition
+NOTICE:  merging column "b" with inherited definition
+CREATE TEMP TABLE t2c (like t2 including indexes) inherits (t2);
+NOTICE:  merging column "ab" with inherited definition
+INSERT INTO t1c VALUES ('v', 'w'), ('c', 'd');
+INSERT INTO t2c VALUES ('vw'), ('cd');
+set enable_seqscan = on;
+set enable_indexonlyscan = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  (SELECT a || b AS ab FROM t1
+   SELECT * FROM t2) t
+                    QUERY PLAN                    
+ Limit
+   ->  Merge Append
+         Sort Key: ((t1.a || t1.b))
+         ->  Index Scan using t1_ab_idx on t1
+         ->  Index Scan using t1c_expr_idx on t1c
+         ->  Index Scan using t2_pkey on t2
+         ->  Index Scan using t2c_pkey on t2c
+(7 rows)
 reset enable_seqscan;
 reset enable_indexscan;
 reset enable_bitmapscan;
+reset enable_indexonlyscan;
 -- Test constraint exclusion of UNION ALL subqueries
 explain (costs off)
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/union.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/union.sql
index d567cf1..7f9a9b1 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/union.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/union.sql
@@ -198,9 +198,29 @@ explain (costs off)
   SELECT * FROM t2) t
  WHERE ab = 'ab';
+-- Test that ORDER BY for UNION ALL can be pushed down on inheritance
+-- tables.
+CREATE TEMP TABLE t1c (like t1 including indexes) inherits (t1);	  
+CREATE TEMP TABLE t2c (like t2 including indexes) inherits (t2);
+INSERT INTO t1c VALUES ('v', 'w'), ('c', 'd');
+INSERT INTO t2c VALUES ('vw'), ('cd');
+set enable_seqscan = on;
+set enable_indexonlyscan = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  (SELECT a || b AS ab FROM t1
+   SELECT * FROM t2) t
 reset enable_seqscan;
 reset enable_indexscan;
 reset enable_bitmapscan;
+reset enable_indexonlyscan;
 -- Test constraint exclusion of UNION ALL subqueries
 explain (costs off)
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