> > Cool.  Could you deal with an OpenOffice Calc or M$ Excel file having
> > the lines of English text in one column, and doing the German
> > translation into a second column?
> Isn't this, um, the sort of thing you might want to put into, um, a, um,
> database?

Sure is.  Are there any good options apart from?

a) Build an interface for people to translate through
b) Allow selected people to connect directly to the database

For the present b) is not an option as I don't have the needed access to
the postgresql.org database server to be able to adjust the pg_hba.conf
file, and a) Would take some decent time and effort to get up and
running.  A lot longer than cut and pasting into an Excel document then
back out again.  :-/

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

> --
> (concatenate 'string "aa454" "@freenet.carleton.ca")
> http://cbbrowne.com/info/internet.html
> "you  can   obvioulsy understand what  i'm  saying.  you're just being
> pendantic." -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
   - Indira Gandhi

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