> -----Original Message-----
> From: CoL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 24 September 2002 13:23
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Web site
> Hi,
> >>So, why not just redirect people to one of the mirrors listed? This
> >>could be done based on IP (yes it is inaccurate but it is
> close enough
> >>and has the same net effect: pushing people off the main
> web server)
> >>or it could be done by simply redirecting to a random mirror.
> I think it would be stupid, I am, who wants to decide where
> to go. If I
> feel that .co.uk is better than others I'll chose that, and
> bookmark if
> I want.
> (random??? brbrbrbrbr) :)
I think it's safe to say we will *not* be doing this...
Regards, Dave.
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