Robert Haas <> writes:
> As far as back-patching the GUCs, my thought would be to back-patch
> them but mark them GUC_NOT_IN_SAMPLE in 9.3, so we don't have to touch
> the default postgresql.conf.

That seems bizarre and pointless.

Keep in mind that 9.3 is still wet behind the ears and many many people
haven't adopted it yet.  If we do what you're suggesting then we're
creating a completely useless inconsistency that will nonetheless affect
all those future adopters ... while accomplishing nothing much for those
who have already installed 9.3.  The latter are not going to have these
GUCs in their existing postgresql.conf, true, but there's nothing we can
do about that.  (Hint: GUC_NOT_IN_SAMPLE doesn't actually *do* anything,
other than prevent the variable from being shown by SHOW ALL, which is not
exactly helpful here.)

                        regards, tom lane

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