On 12/18/13, 4:22 AM, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
     ALTER UNIT name SET SCHEMA <new schema>;

FWIW, with the "units" that we've developed we use schemas to differentiate between 
public objects and "internal" (private or protected) objects. So single-schema stuff 
becomes a PITA. Of course, since extensions already work that way I suppose that ship has sailed, 
but I thought I'd mention it.

For those who are curious... we make the distinction of public/protected/private via schemas 
because we don't want general users to need to wade through that stuff when looking at objects. So 
the convention we settled on is that public objects go in one schema, protected objects go in a 
schema of the same name that's prepended with "_", and private objects are in the 
protjected schema but also prepend "_" to their names. IE:

CREATE SCHEMA awesome_feature;
CREATE VIEW awesome_feature.have_some_data

CREATE SCHEMA _awesome_feature; -- Protected / private stuff
CREATE VIEW _awesome_feature.stuff_for_database_code_to_see_but_not_users
Jim C. Nasby, Data Architect                       j...@nasby.net
512.569.9461 (cell)                         http://jim.nasby.net

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