On 11/07/2013 11:02 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
For as long as I can remember I have heard complaints about the fact
that pg_dump doesn't use a backup format that is supported by the
pg_restore program. At every single talk that I give that talks about
pg_dump, the people in the majority of the audience agrees that this
is rather silly and a barrier to usability.
The only counter argument I have heard is that it adds an extra step
for developers to get the SQL that generates a database. That to me is
a weak argument as pg_dump is a production/admin too, first, not a
developer tool.
I humbly request on behalf of those who manage production postgresql
instances that we change the default backup file format from -Fp to -Fc.
At least it gives you a nice message now instead of the rather cryptic
message it used to give:
[andrew@emma inst.5715]$ bin/pg_dump -f foo.sql
[andrew@emma inst.5715]$ bin/pg_restore foo.sql
pg_restore: [archiver] input file appears to be a text format dump.
Please use psql.
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