On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> Yea, but you aren't going to be needing to know the xlog directory that
> way, will you?

Why not?  Who are you to tell me how my scripts work, or how they get
their information?  I have a script that runs to tell me how much disk
space each instance is using up, that parses the ps output for the -D
argument ... having -X there would allow me to parse for that as well and,
if it was in the ps output, add that appropriately into the calculations

My point is, the functionality is there, and should be documented properly
... encourage ppl to use the GUC setting in postmaster.conf, but just
because you can't grasp that some of us *like* to use command line args,
don't remove such functionality ...

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