Greetings, As far as I use the txtidx data structure in conjunction with gist indexing to make a word indexing of a very large UNICODE db, I've implemented a PostgreSQL function that uses libunac to unaccent TEXT fileds.
The resulting text is in UTF-8, but you can modify it in the sources with an appropriate value (using iconv charset names). Get libunac from: (it uses iconv) Extract the archive, compile it (make). Move to your postgresql shared libraries dir. Link it in postgresql: CREATE FUNCTION unac(TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS '' LANGUAGE C; What about integrating unaccent libraries directly in tsearch? It is useful for french search engines (for instance). Bye. Nhan NGO DINH __________________________________________________________________ Tiscali Ricaricasa la prima prepagata per navigare in Internet a meno di un'urbana e risparmiare su tutte le tue telefonate. Acquistala on line e non avrai nessun costo di attivazione né di ricarica!
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