Andres Freund <> wrote:

> I am not actually that concerned with MVCs using this, you're quite
> capable of analyzing the dangers. What I am wary of is exposing an
> operator that's basically broken from the get go to SQL.
> Now, the obvious issue there is that matviews use SQL to refresh :(

I'm not sure why these operators are more broken or dangerous than
those which already exist to support the text_pattern_ops and
bpchar_pattern_ops operator families.  I could overload those
operator names as much as possible if that seems better.  As I said
at the start of the thread, I have no particular attachment to
these operator names.  For example, that would mean using ~>=~ as
the operator for record_image_ge() instead of using >==.  It would
be trivial to make that adjustment to the patch.

Kevin Grittner
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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