Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On 9/9/13 10:25 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Meh.  Seems that would only prevent one specific instance of the general
>> problem that strerror can fail to translate its result.  Other locale
>> combinations might create the same kind of failure.

> True.  There isn't much we can do, really.  If your LC_MESSAGES and
> LC_CTYPE don't get along, you get what you asked for.  This isn't
> specific to PostgreSQL:

So should we just say this is pilot error?  It may be, but if we can work
around it with a reasonably small amount of effort/risk, I think it's
appropriate to do that.  The proposal to reject a strerror result that
starts with '?' sounds plausible to me.

                        regards, tom lane

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