On 9/3/13 3:13 AM, wangs...@highgo.com.cn wrote:
> Drop/build and disable/enable constraint has no fundamental difference,
> and could achieve the same purpose.What I do also more convenient for
> the user.
> Recording the disabled constraints is easier than recoding all the
> constrains.

Note that other schema objects can depend on the existence of
constraints.  For example, the validity of a view might depend on the
existence of a primary key constraint.  What would you do with the view
if the primary key constraint is temporarily disabled?

> What's more, a lot of people ever asked about turing off constraint and
> The sql2008 support this.So I think it's necessary in some ways.

I don't see this in the SQL standard.  There is [NOT] ENFORCED, but
that's something different.  Implementing that instead might actually
address the above concern.

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