At 12:31 PM 9/09/2002 +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:

>     CREATE FUNCTION plperl_call_handler () RETURNS opaque
>                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>         AS '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/', 'plperl_call_handler'
>         LANGUAGE "C";
>     CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plperl HANDLER plperl_call_handler;
>     ERROR:  function plperl_call_handler() does not return type 
> language_handler

This is reminiscent of the mess with language definitions in the last 
version, prior to the more sensible function manager definition system.

A similar solution could be adopted here: extend the function manager 
definition macros to also (optionally) capture the return type; then when 
the function is defined, the function manager could check the real return 
type, issue a warning, and define it properly. This could be extended to 
args as well, if we felt so inclined. This solution obviously only works 
for languages since (I assume) they will be the only ones modified to use 
the improved macros; but it will fix 90% of problems.

>     ERROR:  Column "year" is of type integer but default expression is of 
> type double precision
>             You will need to rewrite or cast the expression

This does seem like a problem to me - has anything been done about this? 
There does not seem to be much traffic in this thread.

>3. A view is being created before one of the tables it refers to.
>Should not views be created only at the very end?

Unless this is a 7.3-specific problem, I'd put this at a lower priority; as 
I suggested in an earlier post, moving the views to the end won't 
necessarily fix the problem; and pre-7.3 databases don't know about 
dependencies, so we can't use the rudimentary support for dependencies in 

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