Reviewer, Testers:

As part of an ongoing effort to encourage patch review for the
PostgreSQL project, we will be funding cloud servers for patch reviewers
and testers who need them for CommitFests.  That is, if you want to help
with reviewing or testing a patch for a CommitFest, and don't have your
own test server to use, the PostgreSQL project (via our funds at
Software In the Public Interest) will pay for you to use a cloud server
for the duration of your review/testing.

So, if "I don't have anywhere to test it" was your excuse for not
reviewing in the past, time to stop making excuses and start reviewing!

Since these are cloud servers, they won't work well for performance
testing.  However, they will be excellent for testing replication.

If you need one of these, please contact me to allocate a VM for you.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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