> Should we check for stop words before stemming or after ?

I think you should.

> In the first case we have to collect all forms of stop-words
> which is doable
> but difficult to maintain, in latter - we'll have current problem.

Looking at the list of stopwords you sent me, Oleg, there are only about 1
out of the list of 120 stopwords that need to have all word forms added.  I
also don't think it'll be a maintenance problem.  The reason I think this is
because stopwords in general don't have different word forms.

eg. her, his, i, and, etc.  They don't have different forms.  In fact, the
_only_ word in the stopword list that needs a different form is yourself and
yourselves.  Actually, according to dictionary.com 'ourself' is also a word.
'themself' isn't tho.  Some others I don't know about are:

'veri' - I assume this is stemmed 'very', so why not just use 'very'?

So, why don't you change tsearch to check for stop words _before_ stemming?
I can give you a list of revised stopwords that haven't been stemmed, with
all forms of the words.

> It's time for beta1 and I'm not sure if we could work on this issue
> right now, but I feel a big pressure from tsearch users :-)
> If people want to help us why not to work on stop words list including
> all forms ? In any case, we are not native  english, so don't expect we'll
> create more or less decent list. Programming changes are trivial, probably
> we'll end for the moment just using compile time option.
> As always, your patches are welcome !

I'm happy to work on the list of stopwords for you, Oleg.  I agree this
might be 7.4 thing though...


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