Dear Mitsumasa,

As I know, famous NoSQL benchmark program which was called YCSB is display latency measure. I think that TPS indicates system performance for system administrator, and latency indicates service performance for end user, in custom benchmarks.

Sure. I agree that both information are very useful.

If I show a latency at full load, that would be "nclients/tps", not "1/tps". However, I'm hoping to pass the throttling patch to pgbench, in which case the latency to show is a little bit different because the "nclients/tps" would include sleep time and does not correspond to the latency for the end user. Also, under throttling it would also be useful to show the "time lag" behind scheduled transactions.

So I would like to know whether the throttling patch is committed and then update the progress patch to take that into account.


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