On 9 June 2013 11:14, Dean Rasheed <dean.a.rash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's a rebased version of the patch implementing WITH CHECK OPTION
> for auto-updatable views.
> It now includes documentation, and a clearer description of the
> patch's limitations --- WITH CHECK OPTION is only supported on
> auto-updatable views, not trigger-updatable or rule-updatable views. I
> believe that's compatible with the following features from the SQL
> standard:
> F311-04 Schema definition statement     CREATE VIEW: WITH CHECK OPTION
> F751    View CHECK enhancements

Here's an updated version --- I missed the necessary update to the
check_option column of information_schema.views.


Attachment: with-check-option.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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