On 05/28/2013 12:41 AM, Simon Riggs wrote:
> I'm happy with that.
> I was also thinking about collecting changes not related just to disk
> format, if any exist.
Any wire protocol or syntax changes?

I can't seem to find a "things we want to do in wire protocol v4" doc in
the wiki but I know I've seen occasional discussion of things that can't
be done without protocol changes. Anyone with a better memory than me
able to pitch in?

What'd be required to support in-band query cancellation? Sending
per-statement GUCs (to allow true statement timeout)?

I can't think of any major syntax warts and grandfathered quirks that'd
be really great to get rid of if we had the freedom to break things.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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