Re: Stephen Frost 2013-05-16 <>
> * Christoph Berg ( wrote:
> > That was because the plain "./configure" version (for a minimal way to
> > reproduce) didn't built with debug symbols. The original gcc line from the
> > Debian build log is:
> It did, but Debian (and Ubuntu and friends) pull the debugging symbols
> out of the binaries and stick them into independent packages, allowing
> you to only install them if you need/want to.
> Try installing postgresql-9.3-dbg.  At least the postgresql-9.2-dbg
> package on my system also includes the debugging symbols.

This wasn't the Debian build, but just plain "./configure --with-perl"
without any other arguments. As said in the previous mail, both this
and the Debian build segfault here. (Which means there is no -dbg
package because the build fails.)

I don't think this makes a difference anyway - I can pull more
information out from that core, but that needs someone saying which
info, because that's the place where I'm lost at.

(I'll be away until monday.)

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