On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 2:25 AM, Florian Pflug <f...@phlo.org> wrote:
> On Apr17, 2013, at 23:44 , Ants Aasma <a...@cybertec.at> wrote:
>> Performance results:
>> Mul-add checksums: 12.9 bytes/s
>> FNV-1a checksums: 13.5 bytes/s
>> FNV-1a + srl-1: 7.4 bytes/s
>> Detection rates:
>> False positive rates:
>>                 Add-mul       FNV-1a     FNV-1a + srl-1
>> Single bit flip: 1:inf         1:129590   1:64795
>> Double bit flip: 1:148         1:511      1:53083
>> Triple bit flip: 1:673         1:5060     1:61511
>>  Quad bit flip: 1:1872        1:19349    1:68320
>> Write 0x00 byte: 1:774538137   1:118776   1:68952
>> Write 0xFF byte: 1:165399500   1:137489   1:68958
>>  Partial write: 1:59949       1:71939    1:89923
>>  Write garbage: 1:64866       1:64980    1:67732
>> Write run of 00: 1:57077       1:61140    1:59723
>> Write run of FF: 1:63085       1:59609    1:62977
>> Test descriptions:
>> N bit flip: picks N random non-overlapping bits and flips their value.
>> Write X byte: overwrites a single byte with X.
>> Partial write: picks a random cut point, overwrites everything from
>> there to end with 0x00.
>> Write garbage/run of X: picks two random cut points and fills
>> everything in between with random values/X bytes.
> Cool, thanks for testing that! The results for FNV-1a + srl-1 look
> promising, I think. Its failure rate is consistently about 1:2^16,
> which is the value you'd expect. That gives me some confidence that
> the additional shift as working as expected.
> BTW, which prime are you using for FNV-1a and FNV-1a+srl1?

The official 32bit FNV one, 16777619.

Offsets were just random numbers. Seems good enough given the
following from the FNV page:

"These non-zero integers are the FNV-0 hashes of the following 32 octets:

chongo <Landon Curt Noll> /\../\"

>> The effect on false positive rates
>> for double bit errors is particularly impressive. I'm now running a
>> testrun that shift right by 13 to see how that works out, intuitively
>> it should help dispersing the bits a lot faster.

Empirical results are slightly better with shift of 13:

Single bit flip: 1:61615
Double bit flip: 1:58078
Triple bit flip: 1:66329
  Quad bit flip: 1:62141
Write 0x00 byte: 1:66327
Write 0xFF byte: 1:65274
  Partial write: 1:71939
  Write garbage: 1:65095
 Write run of 0: 1:62845
Write run of FF: 1:64638

> Maybe, but it also makes *only* bits 14 and 15 actually affects bits
> below them, because all other's are shifted out. If you choose the
> right prime it may still work, you'd have to pick one which with
> enough lower bits set so that every bits affects bit 14 or 15 at some
> point…
> All in all a small shift seems better to me - if 1 for some reason
> isn't a good choice, I'd expect 3 or so to be a suitable
> replacement, but nothing much larger…

I don't think the big shift is a problem, the other bits were taken
into account by the multiply, and with the larger shift the next
multiplication will disperse the changes once again. Nevertheless, I'm
running the tests with shift of 3 now.

> I should have some time tomorrow to spent on this, and will try
> to validate our FNV-1a modification, and see if I find a way to judge
> whether 1 is a good shift.

Great. I will spend some brain cycles on it too.

Ants Aasma
Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH
Gröhrmühlgasse 26
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt
Web: http://www.postgresql-support.de

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