Gavin Sherry writes:

> Attached is the patch. debug_print_error_query is set to false by default.
> For want of a better phrase, I've prepended 'original query: ' to the
> error message to highlight why it is in the log.

>From your resident How-To-Name-Stuff Nitpicker:

1. The names of the debug_* GUC variables are leftovers from the pre-GUC
era and the names where left to include "debug" in them because at the
time it wasn't clear whether the implementation had more than server-code
debugging quality.  New variables should be named log_*.

2. Unless you are only logging queries, the correct term is "statement" or
"commmand".  Statements are defined in the SQL standard to end at the
semicolon, but if you're logging whatever the client passed in (which may
contain multiple statements) then "command" might be best.  (consequently:
log_command_on_error or something like that)

3. Not sure what the "original" is for -- you're not transforming

Peter Eisentraut   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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