OK, patch attached.  It was actually easier than I thought.  We have to
decide if we are going to remove the old syntax in 7.4.

Regression tests pass.  No doc updates yet.


Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> > OK, no one has commented on this, so I guess I am going to have to guess
> > the group's preference.
> >
> > My guess, seeing as very few probably use LIMIT and FOR UPDATE together,
> > is to swap them and document it in the release notes.  Was I correct in
> > my guess?
> I'm sure very few people do it - but are you sure you can't just allow both
> syntaxes?
> Chris
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/users-lounge/docs/faq.html

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: src/backend/parser/gram.y
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v
retrieving revision 2.361
diff -c -c -r2.361 gram.y
*** src/backend/parser/gram.y   27 Aug 2002 04:55:08 -0000      2.361
--- src/backend/parser/gram.y   28 Aug 2002 02:42:16 -0000
*** 208,215 ****
                                func_args_list, func_as, createfunc_opt_list
                                oper_argtypes, RuleActionList, RuleActionMulti,
                                opt_column_list, columnList, opt_name_list,
!                               sort_clause, sortby_list, index_params, index_list,
!                               name_list, from_clause, from_list, opt_array_bounds,
                                qualified_name_list, any_name, any_name_list,
                                any_operator, expr_list, dotted_name, attrs,
                                target_list, update_target_list, insert_column_list,
--- 208,215 ----
                                func_args_list, func_as, createfunc_opt_list
                                oper_argtypes, RuleActionList, RuleActionMulti,
                                opt_column_list, columnList, opt_name_list,
!                               sort_clause, opt_sort_clause, sortby_list, 
!                               index_list,name_list, from_clause, from_list, 
                                qualified_name_list, any_name, any_name_list,
                                any_operator, expr_list, dotted_name, attrs,
                                target_list, update_target_list, insert_column_list,
*** 4180,4203 ****
                        | '(' select_with_parens ')'                    { $$ = $2; }
                        simple_select                                           { $$ = 
$1; }
!                       | select_clause sort_clause opt_for_update_clause 
!                                       insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, $3,
!                                                                               nth(0, 
$4), nth(1, $4));
                                        $$ = $1;
!                       | select_clause for_update_clause opt_select_limit
!                                       insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, NIL, $2,
!                                                                               nth(0, 
$3), nth(1, $3));
                                        $$ = $1;
!                       | select_clause select_limit
!                                       insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, NIL, 
!                                                                               nth(0, 
$2), nth(1, $2));
                                        $$ = $1;
--- 4180,4208 ----
                        | '(' select_with_parens ')'                    { $$ = $2; }
+ /*
+  *    FOR UPDATE may be before or after LIMIT/OFFSET.
+  *    In <=7.2.X, LIMIT/OFFSET had to be after FOR UPDATE
+  *    In >7.3.X, LIMIT/OFFSET will have to be before FOR UPDATE
+  */
                        simple_select                                           { $$ = 
$1; }
!                       | select_clause sort_clause
!                                       insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, NIL,
!                                                                               NULL, 
                                        $$ = $1;
!                       | select_clause opt_sort_clause for_update_clause 
!                                       insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, $3,
!                                                                               nth(0, 
$4), nth(1, $4));
                                        $$ = $1;
!                       | select_clause opt_sort_clause select_limit 
!                                       insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, $4,
!                                                                               nth(0, 
$3), nth(1, $3));
                                        $$ = $1;
*** 4332,4337 ****
--- 4337,4347 ----
         { $$ = makeList1(NIL); }
                        | DISTINCT ON '(' expr_list ')'                 { $$ = $4; }
                        | ALL                                                          
         { $$ = NIL; }
+                       | /*EMPTY*/                                                    
+         { $$ = NIL; }
+               ;
+ opt_sort_clause:
+                       sort_clause                                                    
+         { $$ = $1;}
                        | /*EMPTY*/                                                    
         { $$ = NIL; }

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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