Hi all

It looks like the commitfest is making very slow progress. At this point
it strikes me that it may be time to look for a line to draw between 9.3
and post-9.3 work, defer all post-9.3 work, and then get the rest into

As I stepped up to work on the CF and then became immediately swamped in
other work I bear some of the responsibility for not keeping things
rolling. There's been quite a lot of progress, in that we're down from
over 90 open patches to less than 50, but 50 is still a lot of patches.

Right now most work is awaiting comprehensive review. A smaller
proportion are waiting to author and are likely to be bumped to the next
version; it's the stuff waiting for review that seems most pressing.

It'd be really good if anyone with a patch in the CF could follow up
with an opinion on its readiness and, if appropriate, push it to the
next CF. I'll be going through the patch list and following up with my
own summaries, but I remain pretty swamped so it'll be a trickle rather
than a flood.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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