On August 27, 2002 03:39 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > NetBSD issue?  It does it on all the NetBSD systems I tried it on.
> Hm.  The first thing I thought was "portability problem" --- I had been
> testing on HPUX.  But I just tried it on a Linux Intel box and see no
> failure there either.

Well, Linux != NetBSD except for processor.

> Note I'm testing CVS tip, not 7.2.  Could we have fixed whatever the bug
> is?  Seems unlikely, if it just appeared between 7.2 and 7.2.1 for you.

Actually it was between 7.1.2 and 7.2.1.  I upgraded to 7.2.2 to see if it 
would go away.  I can try tip on another box.

> Another possible reason for differences is configuration.  I used a
> pretty plain-vanilla configure:
> ./configure --with-CXX --with-tcl --enable-cassert --enable-debug
> How about you?

I am using the NetBSD pkgsrc system.  It generates this configuration.
How about that --enable-multibyte?

--enable-multibyte --disable-odbc --without-java --without-perl 
--without-python --without-tcl --without-tk 
--with-htmldir=/usr/pkg/share/doc/html/postgresql --disable-readline 
--enable-locale --enable-syslog --with-CXX --with-template=netbsd 
--with-openssl=/usr --host=i386--netbsdelf --prefix=/usr/pkg

D'Arcy J.M. Cain <darcy@{druid|vex}.net>   |  Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/                |  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212     (DoD#0082)    (eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

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