Hi hackers,

Type info can be viewed with "\d mytable", however often I'd like to see
the type (and typmod) info in SELECT queries with psql, similar to pgAdmin
III. For example:

my_db=# \pset type
my_db=# SELECT * FROM my_table;
 gid     | description            | width
 integer | character varying(255) | numeric(6,3)
       1 | Hello                  | 3.220
(1 row)

or in expanded form:

my_db=# \x
my_db=# SELECT * FROM my_table;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------
gid : integer                        | 1
description : character varying(255) | Hello
width : numeric(6,3)                 | 3.220

Has anyone else thought this was a missing feature?


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