Please, apply patch for tsearch to current CVS.

Patch resolve ERROR problem for non-goog query_txt.

Teodor Sigaev wrote:
> Now you can use:
> regression=# select 'the'::mquery_txt;
> ERROR:  Your query contained only stopword(s), ignored
> regression=# select 'good'::mquery_txt;
>  mquery_txt
> ------------
>  'good'
> (1 row)
> I suggest:
> 1.
>     regression=# select 'the'::mquery_txt;
>     NOTICE:  Your query contained only stopword(s), ignored
>     mquery_txt
>     -------------
>     (1 row)
> 2. any operation with void query returns false:
>     select  t from tbl where t ## 'the';
>     NOTICE:  Your query contained only stopword(s), ignored
>     tbl
>     -----
>     (0 row)
> Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>> Ross - maybe we could work on a little function for tsearch - 
>> parse_query()
>> or something like that.  It could return true or false depending on 
>> whether
>> it would cause tsearch to error or not...
>> Chris
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ross J.
>>> Reedstrom
>>> Sent: Friday, 16 August 2002 4:59 AM
>>> To: Oleg Bartunov
>>> Cc: Christopher Kings-Lynne; Hackers
>>> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] tsearch bug in 7.2.1?
>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 11:59:20AM +0300, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
>>>> tsearch has compiled-in stop-list, it's currently just not flexible
>>>> as OpenFTS does. We plan to move most functionality to tsearch but
>>>> currently have no time. Feel free to join us to speedup tsearch
>>>> development.
>>> Oleg -
>>> I think Chris's issue might be the same one I ran into just last night.
>>> (BTW, thanks for tsearch and the OpenFTS work, it's really great)
>>> My problem is that queries with only stopwords throw an ERROR, rather
>>> than a WARNING or NOTICE. This means We've got to deal with catching an
>>> exception so our middleware doesn't spew ugly errors and tracebacks at
>>> our endusers, and I've got to deal with cleaning up the transaction.
>>> Having the behavior be "issue a notice and return no match" would give
>>> us a reasonably functional interface: if I don't implement reading the
>>> NOTICE, I get confused users ('huh? "the" doesn't match anything?')
>>> rather than irate users ('Your search interface sucks! It keeps
>>> crashing!')
>>> Oh, well, off to implement some try: catch: logic.
>>> Ross
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Teodor Sigaev

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