On 21.01.2013 15:06, Tom Lane wrote:
Jeff Davis<pg...@j-davis.com>  writes:
On Mon, 2013-01-21 at 00:48 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
I looked at this patch.  ISTM we should not have the option at all but
just do it always.  I cannot believe that always-go-left is ever a
preferable strategy in the long run; the resulting imbalance in the
index will surely kill any possible benefit.  Even if there are some
cases where it miraculously fails to lose, how many users are going to
realize that applies to their case and make use of the option?

Sounds good to me.

If I remember correctly, there was also an argument that it may be
useful for repeatable test results. That's a little questionable for
performance (except in those cases where few penalties are identical
anyway), but could plausibly be useful for a crash report or something.

Meh.  There's already a random decision, in the equivalent place and for
a comparable reason, in btree (cf _bt_findinsertloc).  Nobody's ever
complained about that being indeterminate, so I'm unconvinced that
there's a market for it with gist.

I wonder if it would work for gist to do something similar to _bt_findinsertloc, and have a bias towards the left page, but sometimes descend to one of the pages to the right. You would get the cache locality of usually descending down the same subtree, but also fill the pages to the right. Jeff / Alexander, want to give that a shot?

When building an index from scratch, using the new buffered index build, you could do a lot better than fill each page like with regular inserts and split when one fills up. You could e.g buffer 10 pages worth of tuples, and perform a 10-way split of all the buffered tuples together, distributing them equally to 10 pages (or 10+something, to leave some room for updates). But that's clearly a separate and much larger patch.

- Heikki

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