On 12/28/2012 03:15 AM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
On Mon, 2012-12-17 at 16:34 -0500, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
Yes, this would be a good solution for some applications, but the only
way I can think of to manage the compatibility issue is to invent some
function attribute system like

CREATE FUNCTION ... OPTIONS (call_convention 'xyz')
An alternative that has some amount of precedent in the Python world
would be to use comment pragmas, like this:

         CREATE FUNCTION foo(a,b,c) AS $$
         # plpython: module
         import x
          from __future__ import nex_cool_feature

          def helper_function(x):

          def __pg_main__(a,b,c):
              defined function body here


The source code parser would look for this string on, say, the first two
lines, and then decide which way to process the source text.

This way we could get this done fairly easily without any new
infrastructure outside the language handler.

Quite true, but I have wanted something along the lines of function attributes for a long time (can't find the email thread right now, but I do seem to recall it being discussed in some form), so I think there's a good case for the OPTIONS mechanism.

Making the language handler pull this out of the function text seems a bit ugly too.



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