> > with Perl and *using placeholders and bind values*, the application
> > developer has not to worry about this. So, usually I don't check the
> > values in my applications (e.g. if only values between 1 and 5 are
> > allowed and under normal circumstances only these are possible), it's the
> > task of the database (check constraint). 
> That's the idea.  It's the job of the database to guarantee data
> integrety.

Yes, but what is currently missing is a protocol to the backend
where a statement is prepared with placeholders and then executed
(multiple times) with given values. Then there is no doubt what is a
value, and what a part of the SQL.

I think that this would be a wanted feature of the next
protocol version. iirc the backend side part is currently beeing 


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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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