Michael Meskes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I just got the latest beta and it compiles ecpg grammar correctly!

This is good.  Any word on when it will go to an official release?

BTW, I spent some time looking at the problem, and it seems the issue
is not overrun of any bison internal table, but failure to compress the
resulting "action table" into 32K entries.  This means that the required
expansion from short to int is not just a cost paid while you run bison;
the actual table in the ecpg executable will double in size.  I trust
they did not fix the problem in a way that causes *every* generated
parser to use an int[] rather than short[] action table ...

Also, it seemed to me that the most leverage on the size of the
compressed action table would be gained by reducing the number of
terminal symbols, more so than the number of rules.  Dunno if there
is a lot you can do about that, but it's a thought.

                        regards, tom lane

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