> Let me also add that I am tired of having recovery.conf improvement
> stalled by backward compatibility concerns.   At this point, let's just
> trash recovery.conf backward compatibility and move on.
> And I don't want to hear complaints about tool breakage either.  These are
> external tools, not shipped with community Postgres, and they will just
> to adjust.  I will be glad to beat all complainants into the
> ground for the good of the community.  ;-)   We just can't operate like
> this, and if we allowed these things to block us in the past, Postgres
would be
> a royal mess today!
> At this point backward compatibility has paralized us from fixing a
> recovery.conf API that everyone agrees is non-optimal, and this has gone
> for multiple major releases.  I don't care what we have to do, just clean
> up for 9.3!


And the sooner we do it before release, the more time will those external
tools have to adjust.

Petr Jelinek

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