Andres Freund <> writes:
> On Saturday, September 15, 2012 07:32:45 AM Tom Lane wrote:
>> Well, actually, that just brings us to the main point which is: I do not
>> believe that circular links are a good design choice here.

> I think I have talked about the reasoning on the list before, but here it 
> goes: The cases where I primarily used them are cases where the list 
> *manipulation* is a considerable part of the expense. In those situations 
> having less branches is beneficial and, to my knowledge, cannot be done in 
> normal flat lists.
> For the initial user of those lists - the slab allocator for postgres which I
> intend to finish at some point - the move to circular lists instead of 
> classical lists was an improvement in the 12-15% range.

Let me make my position clear: I will not accept performance as the sole
figure of merit for this datatype.  It also has to be easy and reliable
to use, and the current design is a failure on those dimensions.
This question of ease and reliability of use isn't just academic, since
you guys had trouble converting catcache.c without introducing bugs.
That isn't exactly a positive showing for this design.

Furthermore, one datapoint for one use-case (probably measured on only
one CPU architecture) isn't even a very convincing case for the
performance being better.  To take a handy example, if we were to
convert dynahash to use dlists, having to initialize each hash bucket
header this way would probably be a pretty substantial cost for a lot
of hashtable use-cases.  We have a lot of short-lived dynahash tables.

> Inhowfar do they make iteration more expensive? ptr != head shouldn't be more
> expensive than !ptr.

That's probably true *as long as the head pointer is available in a
register*.  But having to reserve a second register for the loop
mechanics can be a serious loss on register-poor architectures.

This also ties into the other problem, since it's hard to code such
loop control as a macro without multiple evaluation of the list-head
argument.  To me that's a show stopper of the first order.  I'm not
going to accept a replacement for foreach() that introduces bug hazards
that aren't in foreach().

>> I don't really care.  If you can't build it without multiple-evaluation
>> macros, it's too dangerous for a fundamental construct that's meant to
>> be used all over the place.  Time to redesign.

> Its not like pg doesn't use any other popularly used macros that have 
> multiple 
> evaluation hazarards.

There are certainly some multiple-evaluation macros, but I don't think
they are associated with core data types.  You will not find any in
pg_list.h for instance.  I think it's important that these new forms
of list be as easy and reliable to use as List is.  I'm willing to trade
off some micro-performance to have that.

                        regards, tom lane

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