Excerpts from Alvaro Herrera's message of vie sep 14 14:22:18 -0300 2012:
> Here's an updated version of both patches, as well as a third patch that
> converts the cc_node list link in catcache.c into an slist.

One thing I would like more input in, is whether people think it's
worthwhile to split dlists and slists into separate files.  Thus far
this has been mentioned by three people independently.

Another question is whether ilist_container() should actually be a more
general macro "containerof" defined in c.h.  (ISTM it would be necessary
to have this macro if we want to split into two files; that way we don't
need to have two macros dlist_container and slist_container with
identical definition, or alternatively a third file that defines just

Third question is about the INLINE_IF_POSSIBLE business as commented by
Peter.  It seems to me that the simple technique used here to avoid
having two copies of the source could be used by memcxt.c, list.c,
sortsupport.c as well (maybe clean up fastgetattr too).

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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