Tom Lane <> wrote:
> AFAICS, all the 08 class is meant to be issued by client-side
> code, not the server.  I think we probably have to use nonstandard
> SQLSTATEs for these messages.
OK, if we're going that route, how about using "Class 2D * Invalid
Transaction Termination"?
I still think it might be useful to differentiate in our server log
between the case where the transaction failed and the case where the
transaction committed but we don't know that the client got the news
of that.  How about something like:
2DP01  connection_lost_during_transaction
2DP02  connection_lost_during_commit_notification
I'm less sure what makes sense if the connection fails while idle
(not in transaction).  If you don't like "Class 08 * Connection
Exception" for that, I'm not quite sure where it belongs.

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