Robert Haas <> wrote:
> Hopefully that's not too hard to fix; the basic approach seems
> quite promising.
After playing with trigram searches for name searches against copies
of production database with appropriate indexing, our shop has
chosen it as the new way to do name searches here.  It's really
My biggest complaint is related to setting the threshold for the %
operator.  It seems to me that there should be a GUC to control the
default, and that there should be a way to set the threshold for
each % operator in a query (if there is more than one).  The
function names which must be used on the connection before running
the queries don't give any clue that they are related to trigrams:
show_limit() and set_limit() are nearly useless for conveying the
semantics of what they do.
Even with those issues, trigram similarity searching is IMO one of
the top five coolest things about PostgreSQL and should be promoted

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