On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's feasible to think that we might be able to streamline the process
> of booting patches that are not close to committable at the start of a
> CommitFest, and especially at the start of the final CommitFest.

I'd usually consider "booting" a patch to be the domain of committers
(or the commit fest manager), not non-committing reviewers.  Could
enough patches get enough attention from committers early enough in
the process to make early booting happen?

> For
> example, limiting patches to a small number of days in the "Waiting on
> Author" state would help a great deal.

Could it be something like a limit on "waiting on author" days, but
only days that are after 2 weeks after the submission deadline count
(and days later than 3 weeks after the submission deadline count
twice).  That would encourage people to submit before the deadline,
rather than on the deadline.



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