postgres=# select '{}'::integer[] = array[[]]::integer[][]; ?column? ---------- t
postgres=# select '{}'::integer[] = array[[[]]]::integer[][][]; ?column? ---------- t From this point of view, seems N dimensions of empty array all are equivalent. But the result of array_length of them always are null. postgres=# select array_length('{}'::integer[],0); array_length -------------- postgres=# select array_length(array[[[]]]::integer[][][],0); array_length -------------- postgres=# select array_length(array[[[]]]::integer[][][],3) is null; ?column? ---------- t I just think any "empty" array length should return 0, but not null. It's not a NULL array. Is there standard definition of this behavior? ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- iihero(Xiong He) ----------------------------------------------------------