On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 11:06:16AM -0700, Daniel Farina wrote:
> For 9.3 at a minimum.
> The topic of LZO became mired in doubts about:
> * Potential Patents
> * The author's intention for the implementation to be GPL
> Since then, Google released "Snappy," also an LZ77-class
> implementation, and it has been ported to C (recently, and with some
> quirks, like no LICENSE file...yet, although it is linked from the
> original Snappy project).  The original Snappy (C++) has a BSD license
> and a patent grant (which shields you from Google, at least).  Do we
> want to investigate a very-fast compression algorithm inclusion again
> in the 9.3 cycle?

+1 for Snappy and a very fast compression algorithm.


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