Robert Haas <> writes:
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Andres Freund <> wrote:
>> Generally, uppon rereading, I have to say that I am not very happy with the
>> decision that ANY triggers are fired from other places than the specific
>> triggers. That seams to be a rather dangerous/confusing route to me.
> I agree. I think that's a complete non-starter.

Ok, well, let me react in 2 ways here:

 A. it's very easy to change and will simplify the code
 B. it's been done this way for good reasons (at the time)

Specifically, I've been asked to implement the feature of blocking all
and any DDL activity on a machine in a single command, and we don't have
support for triggers on all commands (remember shared objects).

Now, as I've completed support for all interesting commands the
discrepancy between what's supported in the ANY case and in the specific
command case has reduced. If you're saying to nothing, that's good news.

Also, when calling the user's procedure from the same place in case of an
ANY command trigger or a specific one it's then possible to just hand
them over the exact same set of info (object id, name, schema name).

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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