On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 01:46:24PM -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> > I agree with you that some worst case performance tests should be
> > done. Could you please say what you think the worst cases would be, so
> > those can be tested? That would avoid wasting time or getting anything
> > backwards.
> I've thought about this some and here's what I've come up with so far:
> 1. SELECT FOR SHARE on a large table on a system with no write cache.

Easy enough that we may as well check it.  Share-locking an entire large table
is impractical in a real application, so I would not worry if this shows a
substantial regression.

> 2. A small parent table (say 30 rows or so) and a larger child table
> with a many-to-one FK relationship to the parent (say 100 child rows
> per parent row), with heavy update activity on the child table, on a
> system where fsyncs are very slow.  This should generate lots of mxid
> consumption, and every 1600 or so mxids (I think) we've got to fsync;
> does that generate a noticeable performance hit?

More often than that; each 2-member mxid takes 4 bytes in an offsets file and
10 bytes in a members file.  So, more like one fsync per ~580 mxids.  Note
that we already fsync the multixact SLRUs today, so any increase will arise
from the widening of member entries from 4 bytes to 5.  The realism of this
test is attractive.  Nearly-static parent tables are plenty common, and this
test will illustrate the impact on those designs.

> 3. It would be nice to test the impact of increased mxid lookups in
> the parent, but I've realized that the visibility map will probably
> mask a good chunk of that effect, which is a good thing.  Still, maybe
> something like this: a fairly large parent table, say a million rows,
> but narrow rows, so that many of them fit on a page, with frequent
> reads and occasional updates (if there are only reads, autovacuum
> might end with all the visibility map bits set); plus a child table
> with one or a few rows per parent which is heavily updated.  In theory
> this ought to be good for the patch, since the the more fine-grained
> locking will avoid blocking, but in this case the parent table is
> large enough that you shouldn't get much blocking anyway, yet you'll
> still pay the cost of mxid lookups because the occasional updates on
> the parent will clear VM bits.  This might not be the exactly right
> workload to measure this effect, but if it's not maybe someone can
> devote a little time to thinking about what would be.

You still have HEAP_XMAX_{INVALID,COMMITTED} to reduce the pressure on mxid
lookups, so I think something more sophisticated is needed to exercise that
cost.  Not sure what.

> 4. A plain old pgbench run or two, to see whether there's any
> regression when none of this matters at all...

Might as well.

> This isn't exactly a test case, but from Noah's previous comments I
> gather that there is a theoretical risk of mxid consumption running
> ahead of xid consumption.  We should try to think about whether there
> are any realistic workloads where that might actually happen.  I'm
> willing to believe that there aren't, but not just because somebody
> asserts it.  The reason I'm concerned about this is because, if it
> should happen, the result will be more frequent anti-wraparound
> vacuums on every table in the cluster.  Those are already quite
> painful for some users.

Yes.  Pre-release, what can we really do here other than have more people
thinking about ways it might happen in practice?  Post-release, we could
suggest monitoring methods or perhaps have VACUUM emit a WARNING when a table
is using more mxid space than xid space.

Also consider a benchmark that does plenty of non-key updates on a parent
table with no activity on the child table.  We'll pay the overhead of
determining that the key column(s) have not changed, but it will never pay off
by preventing a lock wait.  Granted, this is barely representative of
application behavior.  Perhaps, too, we already have a good sense of this cost
from the HOT benchmarking efforts and have no cause to revisit it.


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