On 02/27/2012 08:08 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
OK, fair point.  But I don't think any of us - Greg included - have an
enormously clear idea why turning the background writer off is
improving performance in some cases.  I think we need to understand
that better before we start changing things.

Check out http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2007-08/msg00895.php for proof this is not a new observation.

The fact that there are many workloads where the background writer just gets in the way was clear since the 8.3 development four years ago. One of my guiding principles then was to err on the side of doing less in the default configuration. The defaults in 8.3 usually do less than the 8.2 configuration, given a reasonable shared_buffers size.

Since then we've found a few cases where it measurably helps. The examples on my recent graphs have a few such tests. Simon has mentioned seeing big gains during recovery from having 2 processes pushing I/O out.

One of the reasons I drilled right into this spot is because of fears that running the writer more often would sprout regressions in TPS. I can't explain exactly why exactly having backends write their own buffers out at the latest possible moment works significantly better in some cases here. But that fact isn't new to 9.2; it's just has a slightly higher potential to get in the way, now that the writing happens during the sync phase.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support www.2ndQuadrant.com

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